Tuesday, May 30, 2006

It's Summer! I should be doing things! [Roll over]

God Damn, Memorial Day weekend was a hot one in Chi-town. My room is a hot box of sweaty pain. What just jumped to the top of the "Stuff Jon Needs to Buy" list? Fans, that's what.

Other things to do:
Clean bathroom. "Hey Jon, did you look at that sink of yours? Dirty city. And that toilet? Vomit-town."
Clean huge pile of hardly ever worn clothes.
Weed out clothes that I don't ever wear and donate them.
Sell old hybrid bike.
Clean room. Start with alcove I never enter. Then work on bed area. Last work on desk area.
Rearrange room so it uses the space better.
Buy an actual bed. Move futon over and use it as a couch.

I should also think about decorating my walls with pictures. Remember that b&w photo of San Fran in the '70s? Maybe actually get around to hanging it would be cool.

But mostly, the best step I can take to ensure that these things gets done is to not sleep all day and instead of dreaming about all the shit I can get done, actually get out of bed and do something. ANYTHING. Taking a shower would be a nice start. Man, I really waste my weekends like no other.

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