Sunday, December 21, 2008

Holiday Party

Holiday Wreath

I'm on an improv message board that gets a lot of flack for being an invite-only message board. The amount of people on it is very small and it allows us that are on it to feel like a nice secondary family. I use it during the boredom of the workday to entertain myself. We do various bits during the day and we root each other on in each other's creative projects. It's a supportive environment even though at various time the biting comments can be a little mean.

Anyway, we had a holiday party on Thursday night. It was a fun time and I was glad to talk to people. These types of outings bring out my social awkwardness. I usually fail to use the time to connect with people. If I'm in a conversation, my focus is on the topic on hand rather than strengthening personal bonds. And I get the strong feeling that the conversation I'm in isn't that great and that the conversation one table over is much more interesting and I want nothing more than to join them. These are aspects that I'm aware of and I'm trying to work on. I'm trying to be more content with the conversations I'm currently in. I'm also trying to work on maintaining friendships. It's a hard task when I'm feeling quite introverted.

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