Monday, February 16, 2009

Epiphany? Fall In Love With Myself?

I'm sure you, dear reader, have heard of the fact that you have to love yourself before you can fall in love with someone else. I've heard it, too. And I get it. But today I think the lesson finally really hit home.

Instead of wanting someone to fall in love with me, perhaps I should fall in love with myself first. In that, work on being the version of myself that I like. Not adopt a completely different personality, but get off my ass on certain aspects of my life, take control of my life's direction, and start loving the person I am instead of focusing on the parts about me that I'd like to change.

I do like myself, but I do often look at what I don't have instead of focusing on what I do have. And don't wait around for someone else's love to provide the stable base I think I need in conquering the world. No brainer stuff, for sure, but an area that I think I'm finally able to walk the walk, instead of talking the talk.

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