Sunday, August 31, 2008

Malt Liquor? I Barely Know Her!

Malt liquor done me in.

Friday night was the Beatbox's 100th show. The audience was packed and the show was great, fun, and hilarious. Right after the show there was a toast with King Cobra malt liquor. I had half a small, plastic cup of malt liquor. That's all I had.

The next morning I was hung over from not properly hydrating myself once I got home. I went to Shock Corridor rehearsal that afternoon. I wasn't feeling too great but at least good enough to rehearse. Then I went home and laid down on the couch trying to will away my headache. My stomach was pretty gassy so I knew I couldn't risk taking an Advil because it would create way too much gas in my stomach and I'd have to throw up. I didn't want to throw up; at that time.

I got some coffee from across the street to help with my headache. I got halfway into the cup of coffee when I felt a change in my stomach. I knew there was a good chance that when I went to CSz for my 3 shows that night that I'd throw up on stage. I needed to throw up NOW! So I did. Ugh was it gross.

After a quick brushing of the teeth, I went over to CSz to do my shows. I was Mr. Voice twice and played on a team in the middle show. How I got through it I'm not quite sure. I also learned that spearmint is supposedly a calming agent for the stomach.

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