Monday, March 02, 2009

Cleaning & Sleep Over without the Sleeping Over Part

Besides meeting my fellow CSz inductees, this past weekend also starts my campaign to get my room cleaned at organized. I specifically made sure Monday through Thursday this week I have nothing going on after work. No rehearsals, no shows. That way I can focus on the work that needs to be done.

And to my credit, I started early on Saturday. Already three full garbage bags of crap have been cleaned out of my room. The closet area is clean. I assembled the dresser I bought awhile ago. I cleaned my bathroom. And my room is already noticably cleaner. And my spirits are risen and I'm feeling good about myself.

I did take some breaks. And one break was rather large in time. The large one was spending a good portion of Saturday with Tam and Nat. We tried to go to a movie but it was sold out. So instead we hung out for most of the day. We went from place to place, doing errands, and generally keeping each other from being bored. I bought a pillow. We also walked around in the nearly empty Linens & Things store. They're basically selling everything that isn't nailed down. It was really sad and a real wake up call about how bad this economy is. Is this just a sign of things to come? Scary if it is.

Sunday morning we went to see the movie we tried to see the previous day. It was a French movie called The Class and it was good but definitely not a feel good movie. It basically showed how screwed up the modern public education system really is. The movie made me tense. After a quick meal after the movie, I finally ended my break and got back to cleaning.

It also snowed yesterday and that kind of sucked.

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