Monday, September 21, 2009

Speed Dating

Speeddate Polaroids

What began as a bit steamrolled into actual action. My roommates were talking about how hilarious it would be for all of us to do speed dating. Soon enough we found an event and signed up for it. In the end it was me, Tara, Chrissy, and Jess.

The event was at a bar in the Wicker Park area and at a cute bar with an interesting Spanish flair. There weren't as many people there as I was expecting. And the ladies that I met during the event were pretty normal. I was hoping for some crazy lady that would make a great story but there was none. The craziest it got was that one lady had kind of crazy eyes but she wasn't really all that crazy. Since that was a bust then I was hoping for at least one connection/potential lady but there were none. So for me this adventure was a bust.

But afterwards I had fun having some drinks with my speed date buddies. Practically everybody else that participated in the event took off the second it ended.

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