Sunday, January 11, 2009

To-Do List

So anyone who knows me knows that my room tends to be messy. In an effort to actually make progress in the area in my life, I've written out all the things I need to do. Each chore is broken down into manageable tasks. I wrote these down on paper and cut the paper into strips so that each strip only has one task on it.

I've put the tasks in one of the small pockets of my messenger bag and when I know I'll have time to do a task that night after work, I reach into the pocket and pull out a task slip.

Recently the slip was:
Put lamp on night stand.

A couple weeks before pulling this task out, I bought a lamp at Home Depot for my bedside table. The thing was that that bedside table wasn't assembled yet. A month before purchasing the lamp, I went to IKEA and bought the bedside table. I also bought a second dresser for clothes.

So in order to put a lamp on a night stand, I had to assemble the night stand. And I did it. That's the point. That the tasks-on-slips-of-paper idea is working for me. If I keep this up, I'll have a clean and organized room in no time. If I keep this up is the big assumption. Otherwise "in no time" will become "at no time."

PS. The second dresser isn't out of its box yet. But it's acting, in the meantime, as a nice place to put cups and bowls while I'm eating at the computer.

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