Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Pretty Darn Busy

These past few weeks have been pretty busy. Because I've been puting myself down as available for all my free weekend nights, I'm getting what feels like a lot of ComedySportz shows. Last week I had 3 shows (2 on a Saturday) and this weekend I have 2 shows. Add on top of that the start of the show Rant at iO, which opened this past Saturday at midnight. Add to the mix sketch rehearsals that involve running lines and tweaking moments during sketches. Not to mention Sunday night shows of Pennybear.

And that's just the weekend.

Between Tuesday and Thursday I've got 2 nights of rehearsal and one night of puppet improv. As such, I'm doing absolutely nothing on Monday nights and I'm going to hold onto that free night as long as I can. That's why I haven't gone over to iO to catch the Armando for that night.

My day job is also getting me down because I've been having to take customer service messages due to an understaffed CS department. While taking messages from irate customers, I have to fight the strong urge to quit my job on the spot. October would not be a good month to be without a job because soon it will be the holiday season and many places take a break from looking to hire people during this time.

I never did hear back from the Onion girl. Oh well. Too bad. But don't feel sorry for me, because things are looking good in the horizon.

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