I've had two odd dreams in two nights. Both inspired, I think, by an accident an acquaintance of mine was in. She's a teacher for the deaf, I think. She had a scooter accident with a van and is laid up in the hospital with multiple broken bones. But she's alive, which is main thing. Anyway, this event has crawled into my subconscious and into my dreams.
The first night my dream wandered over to some park at night. While I was trekking over to some destination that has since faded, on the sidewalk next to the park was my friend James. He was doing sign language translation to the song that was currently playing. This must have been the song that was playing on my clock radio in the conscious world. Back in the dream world, the sight of my friend doing this was odd, but in my dream I was like "oh yeah, that's right, James knows sign language. I forgot about that." It was also funny that I didn't question at the time the logic of doing song translation on a street corner. And the fact that he wasn't the only one doing this on the street corner; there was another person there, some faceless lady, also doing song translation. So weird.
The second dream was much more freaky. While doing something that I can't remember in the dream, news came my way that my friend Pad was in a major accident. He was walking across the street when he was hit by a van. Because I was the architect and writer of this dream, I knew where this story was headed. I was a character in this story and I had dread that he was dead. I had no idea at the moment if he was or not. I was on my way to the hospital to see him. When I arrived at the hospital the writer side of my brain let my character self in the dream in on the secret that Pad was dead. I started crying in the dream just as I walked into the waiting room, which was full of mutual friends. Everyone had this devastated look on their faces. It was a horrible dream.
I hope she has a speedy recovery.