Tuesday, September 16, 2008

100 Push-Ups Program

You may have heard of the 100 Push-ups thing on the Internet. It's a 6-week training program that purports at the end of the 6 weeks you should be able to do 100 push-ups in a single rep. It may be a load of BS, but I've decided to try it.

I've read the pages of later weeks and it appears that if you are not able to do the push-up reps of a certain week, they recommend repeating a week. So this program might accually take longer than 6 weeks.

My initial test showed me which column I'm supposed to be in but I decided to go down one column because mine looked to hard. I did Day 1 of Week 1 yesterday and OH. MY. GOD my arms are freakin' tired. How am I going to last until the end?

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