Thursday, November 27, 2008


Hand on Card

Happy Thanksgiving

This morning was a hard morning. I partied last night and I paid the price in the hour after I woke up. Felt, which has been at the 10:30pm slot at iO for a couple months, unexpectedly got to be moved up to 8pm last night. The 8pm show that bumped us from our normal slot couldn't go on because too many of that cast were out of town. This meant being done with Felt at 9:30pm and being able to party since there was no need to be at work the next day. I went to the Holiday Club for socialization and karaoke.

Normally I'm not much of a drinker and I hardly ever feel the impetous to buy hard liquor. But I decided to try it out and ordered whiskey & soda for myself. I didn't get too drunk, but I was nice and tipsy by the end of the night. I got to sing one karaoke song but most importantly I had fun talking to friends. I lasted until last call and then went home.

I had quite a headache this morning.

Though I thought I had adequately rehydrated myself before bed. Thankfully I was prepared; I had already stocked my fridge with Starbucks Frappaccinos (caffeine!) and Gatorade (rehydration plus electrolytes!). Unfortunately it look about an hour of pain for these two things to combat the headache. You know when the headache is bad when you're in the shower pressing your forehead to the cool surface of the tiles for temporary pain relief.

The rest of the day was great. I went to Thanksgiving dinner at Jay & Mel's place near the neighborhood of Ravenswood Manor. The gathering was small but perfect. I got to watch Tropical Thunder for the first time (pretty funny but not amazing) and the dinner was very delicious. Afterwards we played Uno and Totally 80s Trivial Pursuit. Like most board games, it was great at first but then became something of a chore towards the end. We combated that by giving overly helpful hints to the answers so that we could finish the game. Because, I mean, you just HAVE to finish the game, right? You can't just quit because you're triptophan tired, right? Right. I'm glad we agree.

All in all, it was a pretty nice Thanksgiving.

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