Friday, October 31, 2008

Fingers Crossed for Roomie

Wednesday night my roomie Tara was in a showcase show for 3 producers of SNL. They came from New York to check out funny women in Chicago. They went to Second City first and then came to iO. At iO, the showcase had only 8 women in it and Tara was one of them. I went to it and watched it with a bunch of my fellow CZers. I wasn't too nervous before it - unlike some of my friends - but there were moments during the show that I got nervous for the performers. But mostly the show was pretty good and my roomie was amazing. She really did a great job. Afterwards we all went next door for drinks and it was good times.

Today we got the news from Tara that she is being flown to NYC to audition again for SNL, this time in front of all the producers, included Lorne Michaels! This is the best. The totally deserves this and I hope she has a fun audition. Fingers crossed.

Tara will be one of 6 Chicago funny ladies to be flown out there. The others are Emily Wilson, Shelley Gossman, Laura Grey, Colleen Murray, and Katie Rich. Good luck ladies!

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