Monday, July 27, 2009

Bachelor Party Weekend

I went to Traverse City, MI for my friend Rex's bachelor party. I rented a car for a one-way car rental and drove there. It was my first time in the state of Michigan and the drive was pretty normal - although I did get lost halfway there when I somehow got off the highway.

We goofed around on a baseball field and played an accuracy game: throw 10 balls from center field to home plate and see who can knock over the most beer cans set up at home plate. We had 10 beer cans set up around home plate - 9 were worth 1 point and 1 was worth 2 points. I got 5 points. Three tied for first place with 6 points. The playoff was for them to throw from 2nd base at 1 beer can left at home plate. I forget who won.

Then it was hanging out before dinner. Dinner was at Hooters of all places. There were families there with their kids. With their kids! So weird.

The rest of the night is none of your business. I had a good time hanging out with Rex, Ben, Paul, Rex's brother, and the rest of Rex's TC friends.

The next day I got a ride back to Chicago from Ben and Paul in their rental car. All in all it was a good weekend.

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