Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Election Results Fever!

Holy crap. I can't believe the Democrats actually pulled it off. Both the House and the Senate? Hats off to you guys. You all really made that distaste America has for Bush work in your favor even though most people really don't think you're really all that better than the GOP.

But I'm ecstatic. Finally, after 12 years of conservative Hell, we'll have at least two years of Democratic Purgatory. I'm kidding and I'm not. Am I a democrat? Yes I am. Do I think anything will really change in America? Not really.

Although I could be wrong. I surely didn't see Rumsfeld's resignation coming. At all. The Democrats winning the House wasn't a surprise. The Democrats just eeking out a majority in the Senate, that was surprise on the level of a slap in the face. But Remsfeld stepping down was a surprise on the level of sucker punch... in the balls and the face. "My face! My balls!"


Promise Keepers is the best improv group out right now. Such great work. I'm so envious. I'm so inspired. Thankfully I get to improvise with two of them on Rattlesnake High School.

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