Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Hurt Toe

Bruised Toe

Comedy Sportz had a rehearsal devoted to dancing last night. It was a ton of fun and I think everyone had a good time. However, I stubbed my toe during the first part of the rehearsal. When I got home I took off my sock to see what was the matter. I was surprised to find a toe that was pretty darn injured. It's definitely bruised but its color is more red right now than black and blue. I thought it might have been a large blood blister but it's not. It just a large red spot near the cuticle of my toe.

It hurts to go up on my toes when I walk on my right foot. So I hobbled to work today. And I'm hobbling around the office. My motility is slightly reduced. I have a CSz March Madness show this Friday and I hope the swelling goes down by then so I can run around and be active for the show.

Speaking of March Madness, our MM CSz team won our first round of shows, so we're in the second round. After helping the team win last Saturday, I got myself a beer and stayed around to catch a bit of the Hot Carl. Then I and a couple friends went to a birthday party at someone's apartment where I had some more drinks. After that we headed to my place and before I knew it an impromptu party broke out. It was cool to have people over, even though I was super tired and resting my eyes on the couch while other people were mingling.

In the morning, my two friends and I (who both crashed at my place) had brunch with one of my roommates. I then spent the rest of Sunday just relaxing. This was one of the most fun weekends I've had this year.

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