Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Spilled Milk

I like to eat breakfast. Breakfasts are awesome. And I cannot function without eating breakfast. I think it has something to do with having food in my system and being able to not pass out from lack of energy.

If I wake up early enough (read: when I'm supposed to wake up) I have breakfast at home. Usually a bowl of cereal. If I don't wake up on time, I have to decide which is more important: taking a shower or eating breakfast. Sometimes taking a shower wins. Sometimes eating wins. Sometimes the choice isn't up to me because I've run out of milk and wasn't smart enough to plan ahead and buy milk the previous day. So on mornings I don't eat breakfast at home, I buy a small bottle of milk (Milk Chug) and bring it to work. I have at my desk a box of cereal and Silo cups that I use as a bowl. I also have spoons.

Yesterday I had no milk so I took a shower.

I also spilled a cup of milk and corn flakes into my lap. I had only take a couple bites of cereal when I accidentally knocked the cup off my desk and into my lap. Long story short, my pants, chair, and the carpet around my chair had a large wet stain for much of the day.

I left my camera at home so I wasn't able to take a picture of the colossal mess.

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