Sunday, December 14, 2008

Fun Packed Weekend


My weekend was jam packed with fun times.

I played in the 8pm CSz show on Friday. It was a blast and my teams was super fun. We tried out Musical New Choice and it went pretty darn good. 5 Thing was fun even though my teammates tried and failed so hard in trying to get me to guess Twinkies. I did the sound for the 10pm show and their first half was really rough due to a drunk asshole who was there with a group from his company. He was so bad that we kicked him out and he took his whole group with him. Then the second half of the show was pretty great.

I got talked into playing in the Beatbox that night. I wasn't scheduled but I played. It was a fun show and I got a little tipsy on a beer right before the show.

The next day I battled a headache the whole day but I was able to keep it on a low simmer throughout most of it. In the early afternoon I played Whirlyball with the Beatbox crew. I hadn't played Whirlyball in years and it was nice to play it again. This time I was able to avoid getting nasty bruises which you wouldn't think you get but you can get them. Then I got myself one of the ugliest sweaters I could find for the DSI Holiday party later in the eve. I biked around town during this day, which was pretty warm for winter. This was also the first day I was able to really test out the new balaclava I bought on Thursday. It works very well and I'm glad I purchased it.

Before I went to the DSI Holiday party, I went to my friend Tony's birthday party in Edgewater. It was at a fancy wine bar called In Fine Spirits. They have quite the wine and mixed drinks menu. I got myself a Pinot Gris that was very tasty. It was a nice time and I got to have some nice conversations.

Then, in the 11th hour of the afternoon, I went to the DSI Holiday party. I missed most of it and really only came for the gradual and slow decline part of the party, but it was still nice to see people in the holiday spirit. I ended up with a funny white elephant gift and was glad that my gift, a Threadless T-shirt, went to an appreciative person.

Today I had two rehearsals and a show. First was a Shock Corridor rehearsal that went as well as could be expected for a rehearsal at 1pm. Then it was a PennyBear rehearsal. We got to work on some stuff and we made some progress on some new material that we're trying to create for our new run and for our Playground show this Friday.

Shock Corridor had a show tonight. It was a great show and I felt really good about it afterwards. I even got to do some longer scenes where the give and take was pretty great. For some reason I'm hardly ever in those types of scenes and it was good to be in a few of them.

All in all, it was a great weekend with lots of activities and a modicum of sleep.

Wine Boat

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