Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Bullitt & The Edge

Went over to my friend Ben's house to hang out after work. We were supposed to ironically watch "A River Runs Through It" with our friend Bill but he couldn't make it and we decided to watch two other movies ironically instead. Before I go on, the reason it was going to be ironic was because three dudes sitting around watching a sweepingly dramatic movie that stars good looking actors is hilarious. The three of us did this once before - actually going to the movie theater to watch Brokeback Mountain together.

Anyway, we watched Steve McQueen in "Bullitt" and then Alec Baldwin and Anthony Hopkins in "The Edge." Both were perfect for the evening. I won't go into what I thought of the movies (you can ask me about it in real life and I'll be sure to bore you with my reviews) but I will say the chase sequence in "Bullitt" is the best car chase sequence ever filmed. I've seen a ton of car chases and this one is by far the best.

Better than "The French Connection?" Oh yeah.
Better than "Ronin?" Yep.
Better than "The Blues Brothers?" Yes. Though "The Blues Brothers" one is much funnier.
Better than "The Bourne Identity?" Sadly, yes.

The car chase in "Bullitt" is pure muscle, pure adrenaline, pure amazingness. There is no underlining soundtrack to make you feel the energy of the chase - just sound effects; the most amazingly real sound effects out there. If this sequence doesn't make you feel the power of those muscle car engines, then I don't know what will short of actually riding in one. You feel the speed too. The cars sometimes wobble a bit due to the high speeds they are going and you can feel the danger. Man it is so good.

Though I'm not sure just watching it on Youtube will help you understand it. You need to see it on a TV with quality speakers. And you need to be primed first - you have to sit through half of the really slow, really odd movie before you get to the chase scene.

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