Friday, May 23, 2008

Bike Fixed

I got my bike fixed finally. It made me as happy as a first kiss makes me happy. I was grinning all the way to and from the bike shop. Turns out Kozy's Cyclery had my wheel lock key. I ordered a replacement key but it still hasn't arrived by mail. Frustrated over this delay and the fact that I couldn't find the key anywhere in my room, I called Kozy's as a last ditch effort. I did this last time I lost the wheel lock key. However, this time they HAD it!

At the shop, I voiced my concern over my tire tube becoming flat over and over again. The guy at the shop informed my that my tires are super basic tires and are very thin. He recommended I upgrade to a better tire. He mentioned a bike tire type that he and other guys at the shop use and I immediately agreed to it. So I changed my back bike tire to a nicer tire. I didn't personally change it, the shop guy did. But I did authorize it to happen. But perhaps in 2 months time I'll be able to do this myself, after I'm done with the Build-A-Bike class.

This issue got resolved just in time, too. This weekend is supposed to be in the 70s and 80s.

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