Thursday, May 08, 2008

LA Comedy Festival

Venice Canals Group

I went to LA with Pennybear for the LA Comedy Festival. It was fun but tiring since I flew in Monday morning and flew out Wednesday morning. I wasn't able to see most of my LA friends, which sucked. Our shows were good and the people that saw them liked them a lot.

On the plane to LA, I saw Gary Cole (boss in Office Space) on the plane. And in a neat example of Six Degrees of Separation, Nancy's friend's boyfriend's friend is Tony Hale and he came with Nancy's friend and her boyfriend to the Tuesday night show. The group got to talk to him a bit after the show and he was very nice.

Here's a picture of Venice Beach.
Venice Beach 2

Here's a picture of the Venice Canals.
Venice Canals Boats

Here's a picture of the Rockies from the plane on my way to LA.
Rockies 3

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