Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Accidental Drunk

This last weekend I had no shows. That rarely happens, which is both good and bad. Good because I'm at a level where I'm involved in a bunch of cool things and it's good to be busy with creative things. It's bad because it means I'm a little overworked, usually underslept (new word I'm trying to coin), and generally not experiencing life outside of shows. I approached this weekend in a good mood. I was glad to have the weekend off from shows. I still had to do things, but I was free to hang out with people and have fun. Somehow this led me to drink more beer or wine than I usually do.

Friday night I watched Beatbox and slowly got drunk on Fosters. Saturday I went to Chris Lee's going away party and got pretty darn tipsy on white wine. Then I got on my bike and headed over to the Oakwood for my friend Mikaela's birthday party. More drinking was to be had there. Sunday I awoke to a horrible hangover, and even after getting up, doing tasks, and eating a large burrito to soak up any remaining alcohol in my stomach, I was still hungover Sunday night. I didn't mean to drink so much, but somehow I did.

Anyway, I'm going to try to play it cool alcohol-wise for a couple of weeks or so.

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