Sunday, June 15, 2008

Shock Corridor

Thursday night I had my first show with my new iO team, whose slave name is The Associates.  Most of the group met the previous night for a rehearsal.  I was busy missing Felt for Pennybear rehearsal - we're in the final stretch before the opening of our new sketch show.  I must admit that it still feels very weird to be on a different team, even though I haven't really interacted that much with my new team.  Many of them are super excited for this new team and that's great.  It's much better than the alternative - a bunch of jaded people who are only in it for themselves.  But their glee in the situation is something that I cannot quite participate in; at least not yet.  It's still too soon.

Which begs the question: should I have sat out a schedule? Thinking that it would probably take two months to get over the sting of the dismantling of RHS.  Maybe.  But I'm not one to take a break from improv.  And I think I can still participate in this new group while getting over the loss of my team.

Anyway, Thursday night was our first show and it was a good one.  Good for a first show.  If we were a veteran team, it would have been an average show; I think.  While it's way too early to tell if this team has a shot, having a good first show doesn't hurt our chances.

Oh, and the name we decided to play as that night was Shock Corridor.  This might be our new name or we might still have to go through the laboring process of finding a new name. 

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