Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Exhaustion Weekend

PennyBear's in the tech phase of our show. Which means trying to not panic with all the work we have to do before we open June 20. Saturday we had tech from 8am (yes, in the morning) to 5pm. It went by faster than I thought it would. We got a ton of stuff done but we still had much more work to do. Then on Sunday we had an actual lighting and sound tech cue-to-cue. This was supposed to have gone from 8am to 1pm. Only the Apollo Studio double booked a church group in the space until 10am. So we were only able to get into the space and start our cue-to-cue just after 10am. We almost got through the whole show cue-to-cue but fell a few scenes short by 1pm. So the double booking screwed us out of that.

Add to these long days a bunch of shows in the evening; one Friday night and two Saturday night. I got to bed Friday evening around 2am and Saturday evening around 1:30am. Friday was because I had to watch Beatbox and Saturday was because I had to make an appearance at a friend's 30th birthday party.

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