Friday, June 27, 2008

Sneak Preview

My friend Jon got tickets to a sneak preview of the movie Hancock, which stars Will Smith. We got to the theater well ahead of time so we were able to get pretty great seats. One thing, though, was that they took our cameras and cell phones with picture-taking abilities away to prevent people from making bootleg copies of the movie. Had I know this I would have left my camera and phone in Jon's car. They put everyone's stuff in individual small manila envelopes and gave us raffle tickets so we could find our possessions after the movie. So it was like a coat check, expect instead of coats it was recording equipment. This kind of freaked me out a bit since it was SUPER suck if I lost my camera and phone. But I got my stuff back so I'm cool.

The movie itself was better than I thought it would be. It was a good movie, not great, not awful, not so-so, but good. There was an actual plot to the movie (that they wisely withhold in the trailers) although some of the character development could have been a bit better.

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