Sunday, April 13, 2008


An Apple A Day

I get headaches from time to time.  Probably too regularly so.  I know I probably should have it checked out but I don't want to.  I feel that most of them are preventative and if that's the case, then I doubt they're migraines.  Thought their intensity, when they do come along, does feel pretty strong.

Thursday night I got a pretty strong one.  I think it was brought on by constant computer screen viewing and a lack of hydration.  I started feeling it around 2pm at work and I tried to make it go away.  I drank a lot of water and I took 2 Advil.  And I made sure it wasn't hunger-induced by snacking regularly and eating dinner right after work.  All was to no avail.  I felt awful.  It was not going away.  The weather outside was pretty disgusting too and the inside of my head matched it.  So I decided to turn to the only real solution for these types of headaches: sleep.  I actually went to bed before midnight.

The next day I felt better but I could feel the headache pains in my head just sitting there, waiting for me to slip up so they could return.  They were waiting for me to skip breakfast.  They were waiting for me to not drink enough water.  They were waiting for me to do anything remotely unhealthy to my body so they could return.  I was having none of it.  I ate breakfast, hydrated myself regularly, and drank some caffeine to help the blood vessels in my head.  That was the final blow and the headache pains were gone.  I had won.

I celebrated Friday night by having fun with friends.  I played darts at Mullens and came in second out of three.  I watched my friend Paul do his "Sex Ed" character at Graffiti and it was hilarious.  I then hung out with friends at the L&L and at CSz.  I also celebrated Saturday night.  Rattlesnake High School had a great show and afterwards I again hung out with friends.  However, this time I drank way too much beer and not enough water afterwards.  That's when my arch rival came back.

I awoke on Sunday to a extremely large headache.  Hangovers are the worst, mostly because they are very, very preventable.  They make me question my actions the night before.  Thankfully I wisely stocked up on Starbucks Frappuccinos a couple days before.  I expertly predicted I might drink too much this weekend.  Such good thinking makes me high five myself in knowing myself so well.  I knew I'd make poor decisions and then regret them the next day.  I am so wise.  So brilliant.  I'm so smart it hurts.

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