Wednesday, April 02, 2008

My Friend's Roommate's Friend's Co-Worker is my Roommate

Here are more of the status updates I've done since my last post about the subject:

  • is.
    • trying to be poetic.
  • is ready to be mortified.
    • on Wednesday, instead of doing Felt, I went to the Green Mill to see the show Mortified. My friend Sarah was doing a reading in it. For those that don't know, Mortified is a show where different readers read funny entries from the journals they kept as a teenager. It's pretty funny and Sarah did a great job. A bunch of CSz people were there to see it too. Afterwards we went to Fat Cat, a bar nearby. Somehow during the evening we started giving people nicknames. I got "butt slut" somehow.
  • asks, "what about your love sauce?"
    • I got this inside joke wrong. I was supposed to write "what about your dipping sauce" but I forgot the exact wording in it. Basically I entered into a conversation at the middle and overhead someone say something about dipping sauce. I asked them, "what about your dipping sauce?" Everyone thought it was funny.
  • has a Rattlesnake High School show tonight at iO @ 8pm. Be there!
    • I had a RHS on Friday. It was one of the worst shows I've ever been a part of. I was horrible. The team was awful. The audience was quiet. The host was not good. The dreamer was a student. The second team after us tried really hard to do a good show but nothing that night was good. The day before we had rehearsal and I felt like I was in some sort of slump. Was I burnt out on improv? The Friday show didn't help my mood. The best part of the show was the notes afterwards. We laughed so hard while talking about how horrible the show was.
  • is the loneliest number, worse than two.
    • Three Dog Night lyric from Joy to the World. I was also feeling a bit lonely. Spring sucks.
  • fears he is an April fool.
    • not really. I wrote this on April 1st.
  • would throw away the cars and the bars and the war and make sweet love to you. Sing it now!
    • another Three Dog Night reference! Wow, two in one week. I'm gonna have to ease up on the Three Dog Night references; I think I've used up my quota for the year already.
    • also, I probably would make sweet love to you. Yes, I am talking to you, stranger that somehow came across my blog.


What these status updates missed, were some other neat things that happened this past week. Pennybear is still working on new material and I think some of the stuff we are generating is really great. Felt will be going to North Carolina for a festival put on by ComedyWorx in two weeks. Battlestar Galactica's season 4 starts this Friday. I won't be home when it airs because I'll be in a show, but Saturday I get to watch it with some other fellow BSG fans. I had sushi this past weekend and it was good to have. I hadn't had sushi in awhile so it was good to have again. The world is indeed a small world, which I discovered during sushi. I met this lady who works with my roommate and she was at dinner because she's friends with my friend's roommate. So to Space Balls the phrase: my friend's roommate's friend's co-worker is my roommate. I've been hanging out more with my friends, which is good for me. I've recently re-read some of my old posts and it's good to see I'm in a better place this year.

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