Thursday, April 03, 2008

Public Enemies

Location Shoot

Universal Studios is filming just down the street from where I live. It's a new Johnny Depp movie called "Public Enemies." He plays John Dillinger. Michael Mann is directing it. I hope it's better than the last movie that filmed in my neighborhood: "Wanted," the piece of shit movie where apparently a select few have the ability to curve bullets. So dumb.


Timmy Tapeworm said...

Forsythe, I love that you're posting more, but I kind of hate it too. Because now we're competing for topics. You beat me to the "hey, they're filming in my neighborhood" post. Not cool.

Also, you have not seen 'Wanted.' You have no idea how cool/not cool the bullet curving may/may not be.

Jon said...

I have seen the trailer to 'Wanted.' Thus, I can already judge the movie effect. And I judge it as LAME.

Also, "you snooze you lose" on the blog topics issue.