Friday, April 18, 2008

Shake, Rattle, & Snore

A 5.4 earthquake hit southern Illinois and apparently people in Chicago felt it. I did not. I was asleep and I slept right through it. This dispels the myth I have about myself, the myth that I'm a light sleeper. But maybe it's because I'm still sick and my body knew I needed sleep.

I was pretty close to calling in sick today, going to the doctor's office for a visit, and to find out if I've got anything stronger than the common cold or flu. But after I took my daily vitamin pill and my antihistamine pill, I was suddenly much better. The pressure behind my ears broke. I poked around my left ear and it felt wet. I'm not sure if this was because actual water was stuck in my ear or it was the residue water from my morning shower. The the incredible sinus pressure was gone. My ears didn't hurt and I could breath out of my nose again. And my throat felt better.

On the way to work I started mildly coughing, which I've been doing ever since periodically. That makes me hope that the phlegm in my throat is finally going to go away soon.

I was worried I was going to have to miss work, go to the doctor, possibly find a last-minute sub for my CSz show, and maybe even not go to North Carolina for the festival that Felt is in. Now I feel much better and all might be fine and normal again soon. Here's hoping.

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