Wednesday, April 30, 2008


There's no Felt show tonight. Instead at iO there will be a viewing of the airing of MTV's Real World show. Charna Halpern, the owner of iO, is this season's boss. You know how ever since Real World Miami they make the cast do a job together as a group? Well this season their job is to be a part of an improv team. They take improv classes together and perform together. It's pretty ridiculous. And Charna is their teacher and coach. This.Will.Be.Amazing.Television.

Last week's Felt show was okay but the freeze tag afterwards was the Best.Freeze.Tag.Ever. Whiskey Rebellion was the opening team and we played with them during Freeze Tag. One of the members was dressed in a European style. I/Nathan called him "Euro" in the scene. From then on it was a pretty crazy Freeze. Cesar/Jesse later froze the scene while he was in it, tagged a player out, and then unfroze the scene. In essence, he kicked a guy off the stage so the scene could continue. Amazing.

The topper was at the end. Fellow CSzer Nick is on Whiskey Rebellion. He's the type of guy who loves it when people talk about him, even if he's getting teased. He's the type of guy who actively chose to have "Rebel" on the back of his CSz jersey. In the last scene in freeze tag before lights, he froze the scene and entered it. Jesse was lying down on the puppet stage and Nathan was standing next to Jesse.

Nick: "I can't believe you did it. You killed him. You killed him!"
Me/Nathan: "Yeah, well you killed... comedy."

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